Birdsong High School was as bright as the name tended to imply; almost perfect looking in the photos on the school pamphlets and site. What most parents deemed to be the best school in town; not that such a roaring recommendation meant much since it was the only high school in the small town. Regardless, staff members took the glowing praise to heart and tried their best to keep things up to standard for themselves and the growing minds of the student body.
Of course, the students didn't always agree with this. At times finding the freedom to self educate on specific projects to be frustrating; especially those in their ninth grade year when the concept was first introduced. Though even those in their later years occasionally floundered with the idea of an education tailored better to suit their interests while also being educated on the basics of Math, English, and a language of their choice.
Olivia Marie Gomez, currently in her senior year, had been one of the multiple students to find herself overwhelmed at the teaching strategy of the school. Unsure of how to accept being thought of and treated as someone capable of their own decisions for once despite knowing it was coming thanks to an older brother. However, now that she had managed to stumble forward with a wavering 3.5 GPA into her senior year, she found herself grateful for how the years had turned out. Well, at least to the point to think the situation over as she impatiently tapped her foot behind someone in line to get herself an unhealthy drink fix for lunch rather than some actual food.
This particular habit of hers wasn't new; unless of course the student stuck in front of her was new to the area. Otherwise it was a well known lunch time ritual kept in place to keep control of parts of the day when there wasn't as much structure in the surrounding area. Not that the classroom environment was much better for that, but at the very least there was a noise control system in place.
"You know, there's always five choices. Never four, never three. They never run out and yet every day one of y'all manages to stare at it as if there is a new choice," she grumbled quite audibly, black Vans decorated with gunmetal gray zombies hitting against the ground louder in an effort to show her dislike for waiting more than five seconds for her afternoon caffeine fix. Which was, quite possibly, one of the few things she considered herself to be rude during; otherwise it was as much about sunshine and lollipops as she could handle. Better friends first then enemies to start off the bat after all.
Once the student was done making their choice, Olivia happily and quickly inserted the correct amount for a drink and punched in her choice of the day; a Dr. Pepper. Opening it up, she stepped away from the small room for the machines, walking into the main lunch area, drink already open. Beginning to take a sip she stumbled on the shoelaces of her own shoes, falling forward and managing to spill some (rather entirely too much) of her drink on a student she didn't recognize. Screaming an apology shortly after an expletive, she began to flee from the scene to get some paper towels or something.
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